Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Perfect Gift

When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things, not the great occasions, give off the greatest glow of happiness.
Bob Hope's words are so true.  Sending little gifts to someone out of the blue, for no reason can make perhaps a blah day into a special one.  I used to do this for my Mom and Dad all the time.  Many times the postage was more expensive than what was in the package. To hear their happiness in a thank you phone call or a note told me that receiving that $2.99 item wasn't about the gift, but my time and thought that mattered the most to them.
The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions -- the little soon forgotten charities of a kiss or smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment, and the countless infinitesimal of pleasurable and genial feeling. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
"The Gift of the Magi" is a heartfelt story by O. Henry about a young married couple and how they deal with the challenge of buying secret Christmas gifts for each other with very little money.
Their perfect gift for each other, came with a sacrifice to themselves.
Stop your search, wander aimlessly no more for Jesus is the one Gift which we need. When that Gift becomes ours through Spirit-given faith, our sins are forgiven, and we are granted a new home in heaven. There we shall live forever, giving thanks for God's perfect Gift -- the Gift better than gold.
Dear Lord, as we go searching for the perfect gift or plan the grandest of occasions for friends and family members, may we remember that -- by Your grace -- we have received the perfect Gift of a Savior and blood-bought salvation. May we share that Gift with others. In His Name. Amen