Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Prepare for the Season, All Year Long

Now is the time to make a commitment and adjust our focus this holiday season. Let's slow down, pare down, and sit down with the Lord each day as we set our thoughts on being thankful. And remind our hearts to be blessed by the birth of our Savior, instead of being stressed over the season........
It's easy to get swept up in many things and forget to stay connected with, and focused on, the one thing that really matters. Make it a tradition to prepare for the season all  year long.

First of all, “Thanksgiving”  is not just a day. It is a way of life. In all things, in all times, in all places, we are to “give thanks and praise without ceasing.” Pray with your families about the many ways that you are thankful. I am not talking about the quick little “thanksgiving” sentence prayer … really explore and give thanks to God for the many riches and blessings given to you and yours.

Now plan for a “trimmed down” Christmas and Thanksgiving meal and perhaps now is the time to think about that "banquet", inviting  others less fortunate that will never be able to offer you the same in return. Set a modest table, not laden in overindulgence with excessive and decadent calories, but the dishes that bring memories of family to share with your guests.

"But the Lord said to her, 'My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her."  Luke 10: 41-42

Prepare for this Holiday season by the "giving of yourself" with encouragement or gifts of companionship, they cost nothing and mean so much. Look for ways to be a blessing to others and in doing so you will renew the love that "came down" on Christmas morn.

Words and Music by Chris Eaton

Close your eyes and share the dream
Let everyone on earth believed
The child was born, the star shone bright
And love came down at Christmas time
And love came down at Christmas time...