Monday, December 28, 2009

We Begin Again in 2010

One ship drives east and another drives west

With the self-same wind that blows.

‘Tis the set of the sail and not the gale

That tells us which way it goes.

Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate,

As we journey along through life;

‘Tis the set of the soul that determines the goal

And neither the calm nor the strife.

LHM advent devotion
December 31, 2009
Luke 2:25 and 36: "Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout ... There was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the Tribe of Asher."
We don't know if Simeon or Anna every traveled to Bethlehem. We do know they regularly entered the temple as they did when Mary and Joseph went there to fulfill the obligations according to the Law for Jesus' presentation and Mary's purification. It was their first trip outside Bethlehem since Jesus' birth. It would not be their last trip to the temple. They and Jesus would return often.
This trip was significant and left a lasting impression on Mary and Joseph. In the temple courts, an old man named Simeon took Jesus in his arms and prayed one of those prayers the Church continues to pray to this very day:
"Sovereign Lord, as You have promised, You now dismiss Your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for the glory to Your people Israel." (Luke 2:29-32)
Simeon said more. He prophesied about the significant role Jesus would play in His ministry as Savior of the world. He had barely finished when Anna approached Mary and Joseph. She, too, gave thanks for the birth of Jesus, and spoke of what lay ahead for Him.
It is appropriate on this New Year's Eve that we reflect upon Mary and Joseph's experience in the temple. Simeon's prayer might well be our prayer as we complete year 2009. The prophecies of both Simeon and Anna are the promises of the Christ for us as we anticipate 2010. We, too, have seen the Christ and know He promises to be with us every day with His redeeming love.
THE PRAYER: We are so grateful for the words and witness of Simeon and Anna. May our words and witness reflect such a strong faith and such great confidence. Amen

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Best Messages Bear Repeating

"May you be filled with the wonder of Mary, the obedience of Joseph,the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, thedetermination of the magi, and the peace of the Christ child. AlmightyGod, Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless you now and forever."
The Greatest Gift of Love
By Adrian Rogers
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Christmas is spelled L-O-V-E. What is the Christmas message? It is John 3:16.
God gave us the gift of love on Christmas Day. It is truly said, "What the world needs now is love." I need it. You need it. Your spouse needs it. Your child needs it. An elderly man or woman sitting alone in a nursing home today needs it. A child abandoned and alone in a children's home needs it, too.
God sent His one and only Son as the Savior. He knew we couldn't save ourselves. So He sent His Son to be born in a manger, to die on a cross, to rise again into glory, and to come again to redeem His church.
Where are you spending your Christmas day? Maybe you can spare a few minutes with your family and friends to share His gift of love with someone who is all alone today.
Amidst all the materialism that sometimes chokes out the true meaning of Christmas, take some time to share this Good News with someone today
Dealing with Difficult Relatives
by Max Lucado
Does Jesus have anything to say about dealing with difficult relatives? Is there an example of Jesus bringing peace to a painful family? Yes, there is.
His own.
It may surprise you to know that Jesus had a difficult family. If your family doesn't appreciate you, take heart, neither did Jesus'.
"His family … went to get him because they thought he was out of his mind" (Mark 3:21).
Jesus' siblings thought their brother was a lunatic. They weren't proud—they were embarrassed!
It's worth noting that he didn't try to control his family's behavior, nor did he let their behavior control his. He didn't demand that they agree with him. He didn't sulk when they insulted him. He didn't make it his mission to try to please them.
Each of us has a fantasy that our family will be like the Waltons, an expectation that our dearest friends will be our next of kin. Jesus didn't have that expectation. Look how he defined his family: "My true brother and sister and mother are those who do what God wants" (Mark 3:35).
When Jesus' brothers didn't share his convictions, he didn't try to force them. He recognized that his spiritual family could provide what his physical family didn't. If Jesus himself couldn't force his family to share his convictions, what makes you think you can force yours?
Having your family's approval is desirable but not necessary for happiness and not always possible. Jesus did not let the difficult dynamic of his family overshadow his call from God. And because he didn't, this chapter has a happy ending.
What happened to Jesus' family?
Mine with me a golden nugget hidden in a vein of the Book of Acts. "Then [the disciples] went back to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives.… They all continued praying together with some women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and Jesus' brothers" (Acts 1:12, 14, emphasis added).
What a change! The ones who mocked him now worship him. The ones who pitied him now pray for him. What if Jesus had disowned them? Or worse still, what if he'd suffocated his family with his demand for change?
He didn't. He instead gave them space, time, and grace. And because he did, they changed. How much did they change? One brother became an apostle (Gal. 1:19) and others became missionaries (1 Cor. 9:5).
So don't lose heart. God still changes families.
From He Still Moves Stones

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Strength for Tomorrow

Meet today’s problems with today’s strength. Don’t start tackling tomorrow’s problems until tomorrow. You do not have tomorrow’s strength yet. You simply have enough for today.
Max Lucado
A verse from the hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
Don't borrow tomorrow's troubles until you've finished today, as tomorrow they may not look as big.
"you can do all things through Him who gives you strength" Phillipians 4:13
Tiny Frogs
Tiny Frogs story is about a bunch of tiny little frogs who were going to have a race to the top of a big building. It was a daunting task for these little frogs but they all knew they could do it. There was a huge crowd at the bottom of the building initially cheering them on as they went forth to conquer this building. However, after a while many of the frogs got very tired, and then the crowd started to turn, telling them things like "You'll never make it! Turn back! You're gonna fall!" and on and on. Eventually one by one all the frogs dropped out except one little frog who never wavered but kept his eye on the goal and he made it all the way to the top. When he was later interviewed he was asked why he was able to make it but not the others. He went "what? can't hear you". He was deaf! He couldn't hear the naysayers so he just kept on going!!
Moral of the story is, when it is God's will for us to accomplish His purpose for our lives and His voice is the only one we listen to while on that purposeful mission, we'll accomplish that goal upon the strength and power of our Savior Jesus!
State of Mind Poem
If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you won’t;
If you like to win, but don’t think you can,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost;
For out in the world you’ll find
Success begins with a fellow’s will
It’s all in a state of mind.
For many a game is lost
Ere even a play is run,
And many a coward fails
Ere even his work is begun.
Think big and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you’ll fall behind;
Think that you can and you will;
It’s all in a state of mind.
If you think you are out classed, you are;
You’ve got to think high to rise;
You’ve got to be sure of your self before
You can ever win a prize.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the fellow who thinks he can.
.............................Our strength and power come from God alone and yet we try to go upon our own strength so often.
William A. Robinson, 48, Pennsylvania, USA…
"I thank God for His grace, which is more than enough for each new day!"

Friday, December 18, 2009

Go and Sin No More

John 8:1-11 - Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. And early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came unto Him; and He sat down, and taught them. And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto Him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, They say unto Him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting Him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with His finger wrote on the ground, as though He heard them not. So when they continued asking Him, He lifted up Himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again He stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up Himself, and saw none but the woman, He said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Nothing Can Top the Lord our God

Psalm 145:3
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable

Four children were engaged in the timeless "My Dad" argument.

Tim said, "My dad works for the largest computer company in the world, and he travels everywhere."
Kip replied, "Well, my father owns a shipping business with hundreds of boats, and even airplanes. I get to ride on boats and planes whenever I want."
Darryl chipped in, "My father works for the government, and he even gets to talk to the president sometimes. We have security men at our house all the time."
Stanley stood quietly for a moment, because his father had died not long before. Finally, he said, "My dad is in Heaven, and gets to see God every day."
The other boys tried to think of something to say that could top that, but nothing came to mind.

Nothing can top the Lord our God! He is above all else. Nothing compares to Him. Therefore, nothing else in this world is more worthy of our worship and devotion. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised. His glory endures forever
taken from the Wisdom of the Psalms devotional
Our God is an Awesome God
When He rolls up His sleeves
He ain't just puttin' on the ritz(our God is an awesome God)
There is thunder in His footsteps
And lightning in His fist(our God is an awesome God)
Well, the Lord wasn't joking
When He kicked 'em out of Eden
It wasn't for no reason that He shed his blood
His return is very close and so you better be believing
that our God is an awesome God
Our God(our God) is an awesome GodHe reigns(He reigns) from heaven above
With wisdom(with wisdom) pow'r and love
our God is an awesome God
And when the sky was starless in the void of the night (our God is an awesome God)
He spoke into the darkness and created the light(our God is an awesome God)
Judgment and wrath he poured out on Sodom
Mercy and grace He gave us at the cross
I hope that we have not too quickly forgotten
thatour God is an awesome God

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Live by Faith, Not Sight

2 Corinthians 5:7
"We live by faith, not by sight." In other words, we grow in faith as we make decisions which seem illogical in that they have little if any basis in reality.

Times of Trial
"I asked the Lord for a bunch of fresh flowers but instead
He gave me an ugly cactus with many thorns.
I asked the Lord for some beautiful butterflies but instead
He gave me many ugly and dreadful worms.
I was threatened,I was disappointed,I mourned,
But after many days,Suddenly, I saw the cactus bloomwith many beautiful flowers,
and those worms became beautiful butterflies flying in the spring wind.
God's way is the best way." (Chun-Ming Kao) Written from Prison

Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

"From our perspective, we think something that happens is a disappointing failure - only to find out later God was looking out for us, maybe protecting us from a situation that could have caused us a great deal of pain." (Dorothy Valcarcel)

and THEN we understand God's plan.

Faith leans heavy on the Lord. It knows that the Bible is so and can be trusted and that we can live by it and all of our needs will be supplied. (Lester Roloof)

A Sinner Saved by Grace

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Good Read

I don't know if this is legal or not, but when I read something that is so good, I just can't help but want to pass it on.

Pursue the Virtue of Contentment by Max Lucado
A businessman bought popcorn from an old street vendor each day after lunch. He once arrived to find the peddler closing up his stand at noon. “Is something wrong?” he asked.
A smile wrinkled the seller’s leathery face. “By no means. All is well.”
“Then why are you closing your popcorn stand?”
“So I can go to my house, sit on my porch, and sip tea with my wife.”
The man of commerce objected. “But the day is still young. You can still sell.”
“No need to,” the stand owner replied. “I’ve made enough money for today.”
“Enough? Absurd. You should keep working.”
The spry old man stopped and stared at his well-dressed visitor. “And why should I keep working?”
“To sell more popcorn.”
“And why sell more popcorn?”
“Because the more popcorn you sell, the more money you make. The more money you make, the richer you are. The richer you are, the more popcorn stands you can buy. The more popcorn stands you buy, the more peddlers sell your product, and the richer you become. And when you have enough, you can stop working, sell your popcorn stands, stay home, and sit on the porch with your wife and drink tea.”
The popcorn man smiled. “I can do that today. I guess I have enough.”
Wise was the one who wrote, “Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income” (Eccles. 5:10 NIV).
Don’t heed greed.Greed makes a poor job counselor.Greed has a growling stomach. Feed it, and you risk more than budget-busting debt. You risk losing purpose. Greed can seduce you out of your sweet spot.Before you change your job title, examine your perspective toward life. Success is not defined by position or pay scale but by this: doing the most what you do the best.Parents, give that counsel to your kids. Tell them to do what they love to do so well that someone pays them to do it. Spouses, urge your mate to choose satisfaction over salary. Better to be married to a happy person who has a thin wallet than a miserable person with a thick one. Besides, “a pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life” (Prov. 13:7 MSG).
Pursue the virtue of contentment. “Godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Tim. 6:6 NIV). When choosing or changing jobs, be careful. Consult your design. Consult your Designer. But never consult your greed.
From Cure for the Common LifeCopyright (Thomas Nelson, 2006) Max Lucado

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Do Unto Others

Taken from Encouragement Today, by Renee Swoop
When we take our eyes off our fears, our doubts, our struggles and focus on someone else's needs, we somehow forget our own, for a little while. In believing the power of God's promises for others, our confidence in His promises for us seems to grow as well.

Lord, Thank you for the power of Your Words that give me courage to become who You've created me to be - to go to places You're calling me to go and climb spiritual heights that are out of my reach without Your help. Give me Your encouragement today, and help me encourage someone, too. In Jesus Name, Amen.
In the words of Joyce Meyers:
It is only after we realize it is not us doing good works, but rather the Lord, that we can even begin to serve Him as we should. Someone has said, "It remains to be seen what God can do through a man or woman who will give Him all the glory." If we press on and are sincere about spiritual maturity, we will all eventually be empty of ourselves and ready to be used by God to fill other empty people.
Fill My Cup Lord
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (The Message)
The Rescue 3-5
All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—we get a full measure of that, too.
A Prayer of Encouragement
The hands of the father uphold you
The hands of the Saviour enfold you
The hands of the Spirit surround you
And the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Uphold you evermore

Friday, October 30, 2009

God's Peace

Phillipians 4:6-7
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus

The word "peace" in the Bible, from the Greek word (eireinei), refers to a mental attitude of tranquillity based on a relationship with God in the Christian Way of Life. It is a word which describes the result of a person's correct response to God's Grace

Romans 5:1 "Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Peace, or tranquillity, precedes the enjoyment of prosperity. One must have Peace to have the capacity for prosperity.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27

Thank you Tracie Miles for this wonderful prayer,

Dear Lord,
Please fill me with a peace that surpasses all understanding in the situations I am facing. Grant me spiritual healing, and help me see You working in and through me. Thank You for always being available and on call. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

It Is Well With My Soul

Sunday, October 25, 2009

He Doesn't Deserve to go to Heaven

"He doesn't deserve to go to heaven, and neither do I. It's just a gift. Jesus paid the price for us all, all we have to do is accept it, believe in Jesus Christ and our sins are forgiven." These words were spoken at a funeral I attended yesterday. It was a very personal , family centered service and made me feel things I'd like to leave unrevealed most of the time.

Ephesians 2: 8-9
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

It is not easy to just accept gifts, especially large gifts because we feel unworthy or that we'll never be able to repay. I have a hard time ordering my $4 prescription pills from Walmart and then asking to have them sent out in the mail, which they will do at no charge if you request it. I'd feel better if I could just pay the postage fee, so I was not "putting them out" or asking too much. If you go out to dinner with another couple, who's going to pay the check becomes a big part of the evening discussion. It is difficult to just give in and say, "Thank you," without adding, "We'll pay next time."

The following article came to me in an email and didn't give credit to any author. What a visual message it is of God's gift to us all.

There was a certain Professor of Religion named Dr. Christianson, a studious man who taught at a small college in the Western United States. Dr. Christianson taught the required survey course in Christianity at this particular institution. Every student was required to take this course his or her freshman year regardless of his or her major.
Although Dr. Christianson tried hard to communicate the essence of the gospel in his class, he found that most of his students looked upon the course as nothing but required drudgery. Despite his best efforts, most students refused to take Christianity seriously.
This year, Dr. Christianson had a special student named Steve. Steve was only a freshman, but was studying with the intent of going onto seminary for the ministry. Steve was popular, he was well liked, and he was an imposing physical specimen. He was now the starting center on the school football team, and was the best student in the professor's class.
One day, Dr. Christianson asked Steve to stay after class so he could talk with him.
"How many push-ups can you do?"
Steve said, "I do about 200 every night."
"200? That's pretty good, Steve," Dr. Christianson said. "Do you think you could do 300?"
Steve replied, "I don't know... I've never done 300 at a time."
"Do you think you could?" Dr. Christianson asked again.
"Well, I can try," said Steve.
"Can you do 300 in sets of 10? I have a class project in mind and I need you to do about 300 push ups in sets of ten for this to work. Can you do it? I need you to tell me you can do it," said the professor.
Steve said, "Well... I think I can...yeah, I can do it."
Dr. Christianson said, "Good! I need you to do this on Friday. Let me explain what I have in mind."
Friday came and Steve got to class early and sat in the front of the room. When class started, the professor pulled out a big box of donuts. Now these weren't the normal kinds of donuts, they were the extra fancy BIG kind, with cream centers and frosting swirls. Everyone was pretty excited it was Friday, the last class of the day, and they were going to get an early start on the weekend with a party in Dr. Christianson's class.
Dr. Christianson went to the first girl in the first row and asked, "Cynthia, do you want to have one of these donuts?"
Cynthia said, "Yes."
Dr. Christianson then turned to Steve and asked, "Steve, would you do ten push-ups so that Cynthia can have a donut?"
Steve jumped down from his desk to do a quick ten. Then Steve again sat in his desk. Dr. Christianson put a donut on Cynthia's desk.
Dr. Christianson then went to Joe, the next person, and asked, "Joe, do you want a donut?"
Joe said, "Yes."
Dr. Christianson asked, "Steve would you do ten push-ups so Joe can have a donut?" Steve did ten push-ups, Joe got a donut.
And so it went, down the first aisle, Steve did ten pushups for every person before they got their donut. And down the second aisle, till Dr. Christianson came to Scott. Scott was on the basketball team, and in as good condition as Steve. He was very popular and never lacking for female companionship.
When the professor asked, "Scott do you want a donut?"
Scott's reply was, "Well, can I do my own pushups?"
Dr. Christianson said, "No, Steve has to do them."
Then Scott said, "Well, I don't want one then."
Dr. Christianson shrugged and then turned to Steve and asked, "Steve, would you do ten pushups so Scott can have a donut he doesn't want?" With perfect obedience Steve started to do ten pushups.
Scott said, "HEY! I said I didn't want one!"
Dr. Christianson said, "Look, this is my classroom, my class, my desks, and these are my donuts. Just leave it on the desk if you don't want it." And he put a donut on Scott's desk.
Now by this time, Steve had begun to slow down a little. He just stayed on the floor between sets because it took too much effort to be getting up and down. You could start to see a little perspiration coming out around his brow.
Dr. Christianson started down the third row. Now the students were beginning to get a little angry.
Dr. Christianson asked Jenny, "Jenny, do you want a donut?"
Sternly, Jenny said, "No."
Then Dr. Christianson asked Steve, "Steve, would you do ten more pushups so Jenny can have a donut that she doesn't want?" Steve did ten, Jenny got a donut.
By now, a growing sense of uneasiness filled the room. The students were beginning to say "No" and there were all these uneaten donuts on the desks. Steve also had to really put forth a lot of extra effort to get these pushups done for each donut. There began to be a small pool of sweat on the floor beneath his face, his arms and brow were beginning to get red because of the physical effort involved.
Dr. Christianson asked Robert, who was the most vocal unbeliever in the class, to watch Steve do each push up to make sure he did the full ten pushups in a set because he couldn't bear to watch all of Steve's work for all of those uneaten donuts. He sent Robert over to where Steve was so Robert could count the set and watch Steve closely. Dr. Christianson started down the fourth row.
During his class, however, some students from other classes had wandered in and sat down on the steps along the radiators that ran down the sides of the room. When the professor realized this, he did a quick count and saw that now there were 34 students in the room.
He started to worry if Steve would be able to make it. Dr. Christianson went on to the next person and the next and the next. Near the end of that row, Steve was really having a rough time. He was taking a lot more time to complete each set.
Steve asked Dr. Christianson, "Do I have to make my nose touch on each one?"
Dr. Christianson thought for a moment, "Well, they're your pushups. You are in charge now. You can do them any way that you want." And Dr. Christianson went on.
A few moments later, Jason, a recent transfer student, came to the room and was about to come in when all the students yelled in one voice, "NO! Don't come in! Stay out!" Jason didn't know what was going on.
Steve picked up his head and said, "No, let him come." Professor Christianson said, "You realize that if Jason comes in you will have to do ten pushups for him?"
Steve said, "Yes, let him come in. Give him a donut"
Dr. Christianson said, "Okay, Steve, I'll let you get Jason's out of the way right now. Jason, do you want a donut?"
Jason, new to the room hardly knew what was going on. "Yes," he said, "give me a donut."
"Steve, will you do ten pushups so that Jason can have a donut?"
Steve did ten pushups very slowly and with great effort. Jason, bewildered, was handed a donut and sat down.
Dr. Christianson finished the fourth row, then started on those visitors seated by the heaters. Steve's arms were now shaking with each pushup in a struggle to lift himself against the force of gravity. Sweat was profusely dropping off of his face and, by this time, there was no sound except his heavy breathing, there was not a dry eye in the room.
The very last two students in the room were two young women, both cheerleaders, and very popular. Dr. Christianson went to Linda, the second to last, and asked, "Linda, do you want a doughnut?"
Linda said, very sadly, "No, thank you."
Professor Christianson quietly asked, "Steve, would you do ten pushups so that Linda can have a donut she doesn't want?"
Grunting from the effort, Steve did ten very slow pushups for Linda.
Then Dr. Christianson turned to the last girl, Susan. "Susan, do you want a donut?"
Susan, with tears flowing down her face, began to cry. "Dr. Christianson, why can't I help him?"
Dr. Christianson, with tears of his own, said, "No, Steve has to do it alone, I have given him this task and he is in charge of seeing that everyone has an opportunity for a donut whether they want it or not. When I decided to have a party this last day of class, I looked at my grade book. Steve, here is the only student with a perfect grade. Everyone else has failed a test, skipped class, or offered me inferior work. Steve told me that in football practice, when a player messes up he must do push ups. I told Steve that none of you could come to my party unless he paid the price by doing your push ups. He and I made a deal for your sakes. Steve, would you do ten pushups so Susan can have a donut?"
As Steve very slowly finished his last pushup, with the understanding that he had accomplished all that was required of him, having done 350 pushups, his arms buckled beneath him and he fell to the floor.
Dr. Christianson turned to the room and said. "And so it was, that our Savior, Jesus Christ, on the cross, said to the Father, 'into thy hands I commend my spirit.' With the understanding that He had done everything that was required of Him, he yielded up His life. And like some of those in this room, many of us leave the gift on the desk, uneaten."
Two students helped Steve up off the floor and to a seat, physically exhausted, but wearing a thin smile. "Well done, good and faithful servant" said the professor, adding "Not all sermons are preached in words."
Turning to his class the professor said, "My wish is that you might understand and fully comprehend all the riches of grace and mercy that have been given to you through the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who spared not the only Begotten Son, but gave Him up for us all for the whole Church, now and forever. Whether or not we choose to accept His gift to us, the price has been paid. Wouldn't you be foolish and ungrateful to leave it laying on the desk?"

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Seeing Problems as Potentialities

The following was from "Love Worth Living" Pastor Adrian Rogers email devotion for today. It reminded me of the post from a few days ago, Thank you for the Inconveniences of My LIfe. When I find something that helps me, I like to pass it on.

Do you have any problems today? You do? Well, I just have one word for you:
I don't want to sound flippant, but I am very serious about my comment. You see, a problem really is an opportunity in disguise. You need to learn that God wants you to see your problems as potentialities and your adversaries as opportunities. A Christian is not someone who sees a difficulty in every opportunity, but to the contrary, he's one who sees an opportunity in every difficulty. Think of a problem you are struggling through today. Now, get on your knees. Ask God to show you the opportunity hidden away in your struggle that will bring Him glory.

If you'd like to receive daily email devotions from Pastor Rogers, you can find information by clicking here

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

If That Isn't Love

For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

The following is taken from a devotional written by Ann Spangler entitled Praying the Names of God,

There is a story told of a young boy whose sister was suffering from a rare disease. Her only chance of recovery was to receive a blood transfusion from someone who had recovered from the disease. Her five-year-old brother was the perfect candidate. When the doctor explained the situation to the boy and asked him if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister, the boy hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, and then said yes. During the transfusion, while lying in bed next to his sister, the boy smiled as he saw the color returning to her cheeks. Then, his face paled and he asked in a trembling voice, “Will I start dying right away?”

The story makes you want to smile and cry at the same time because you realize the boy’s generosity and his mistake. He had been willing to give his last drop of blood if that meant his sister would live.

When we pray to Jesus as the Lamb of God, we are praying to the One who voluntarily laid down his life to take in his own body the punishment for our sins and for the sins of the entire world.

Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried.

Jesus died for our sins, we are loved.

If That Isn't Love
words and music by Dottie Rambo
He left the splendor of heaven,
Knowing His destiny,
Was the lonely hill of Golgatha,
There to lay down His life for me.

If that isn't love;The ocean is dry,
There's no stars in the sky,And the sparrow can't fly.
If that isn't love;Then heaven's a myth,
There's no feeling like this,If that isn't love!

Even in death He remembered,
The thief hanging by His side;
There He spoke with love and compassion,
Then He took him to paradise.

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Good Read

Do for Others What God Does For You
by Max Lucado

You and I have the privilege to do for others what God does for us. How do we show people that we believe in them?
Show up.
Nothing takes the place of your presence. Letters are nice. Phone calls are special, but being there in the flesh sends a message. Do you believe in your kids? Then show up. Show up at their games. Show up at their plays. Show up at their recitals. It may not be possible to make each one, but it’s sure worth the effort. Do you believe in your friends? Then show up. Show up at their graduations and weddings. Spend time with them. You want to bring out the best in someone? Then show up.
Listen up.
You don’t have to speak to encourage. The Bible says, “It is best to listen much, speak little” (James 1:19 TLB). We tend to speak much and listen little. There is a time to speak. But there is also a time to be quiet. That’s what my father did. Dropping a fly ball may not be a big deal to most people, but if you are thirteen years old and have aspirations of the big leagues, it is a big deal. Not only was it my second error of the game, it allowed the winning run to score. I didn’t even go back to the dugout. I turned around in the middle of left field and climbed over the fence. I was halfway home when my dad found me. He didn’t say a word. Just pulled over to the side of the road, leaned across the seat, and opened the passenger door. We didn’t speak. We didn’t need to. We both knew the world had come to an end. When we got home, I went straight to my room, and he went straight to the kitchen. Presently he appeared in front of me with cookies and milk. He took a seat on the bed, and we broke bread together. Somewhere in the dunking of the cookies I began to realize that life and my father’s love would go on. In the economy of male adolescence, if you love the guy who drops the ball, then you really love him. My skill as a baseball player didn’t improve, but my confidence in Dad’s love did. Dad never said a word. But he did show up. He did listen up. To bring out the best in others, do the same, and then, when appropriate:
Speak up.
You have the power to change someone’s life simply by the words that you speak. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Prov. 18:21 NKJV). That’s why Paul urges you and me to be careful. “When you talk, do not say harmful things, but say what people need—words that will help others become stronger” (Eph. 4:29).Earlier I gave you a test for love. There’s also a test for the tongue. Before you speak, ask: Will what I’m about to say help others become stronger? You have the ability, with your words, to make a person stronger. Your words are to their soul what a vitamin is to their body. If you had food and saw someone starving, would you not share it? If you had water and saw someone dying of thirst, would you not give it? Of course you would.
Then won’t you do the same for their hearts? Your words are food and water! Do not withhold encouragement from the discouraged. Do not keep affirmation from the beaten down! Speak words that make people stronger. Believe in them as God has believed in you.

Thank you for the Inconveniences of My Life

My computer crashed last week, and it is more than a little inconvenient.

It has become my coworker in so many ways. All my finances are done on line, and I'm not sure I can even find snail mail addresses for any of them anymore. With on line banking who remembers how to reconcile a bank statement manually? My list of passwords is stored safely in My Documents, so I can't even conveniently call them up and use another computer. I have my personal address book organized to perfection in a spreadsheet, I can't get to. Now isn't that convenient.

Many evening suppers are "googled' for ingredients and a quick trip to the store. And I find I can google away many hours and accomplish nothing of importance. The real point is it is just more convenient to do everything you can on line to save time and hassles. My brother once told me he used to order items on line from Wal*mart and have them delivered, even though he only lived a short distance from the store.

On line devotions are great and they are delivered right to my in box. My daily Bible Reading plan is outlined on a site and with one click I'm on the right page. Modern conveninces are all great when they work, and when they don't it's very inconvenient and aggrivating!

So this week,

I stopped at the City Office to pay my utility bill in person, and had a wonderful conversation with the clerk, face to face, no email address needed.
I sat in the living room with my husband and found that watching some of the programs he finds interesting, gave us new topics to talk about. No lost hours on google and I found it very rewarding.
I enjoyed leafing through the many cookbooks I have and came upon a couple old recipes for supper, that reminded me of my mother, and I had all the ingredients on hand in my pantry.
In passing conversation, a friend offered her extra laptop to me to tide me over till mine is up and running. When I went to pick it up, we spent some good quality hours together.
I love the smell of my Bible and I have missed the feel of the pages as I took my time to read the verses. And the Holy Bible will never crash and leave me without His words to treasure.

So Lord, thank you for the inconveninces of my life.

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My morning is very routine: up for meds, into the shower, then a bowl of cheerios with sliced bananas in it to be eaten during my devotions in front of the computer. One day last week, without any organizing on my part, there was one slice of banana left to eat with the last spoon of cheerios. That doesn't happen very often or ever that I could remember. If I don't consciously think to eat conservatively on the bananas and remember the two textures taste best together, I'm left with just plain old cheerios.

This reminded me of the balance in our lives and how it can really get off course if we just leave it to chance.If we put too much emphasis on one aspect of our life, other areas suffer neglect or go completely by the wayside. Finding the right blueprint for your life is not what is the best plan for others. So set your own goals and plan each step, don't gamble on the outcome. Elder Ballard says: “When I am in tune spiritually, I find that I can balance everything in my life much more easily. Do the best you can. No one’s life is in perfect balance for any length of time. You will always need to be reevaluating and prioritizing. When things get out of balance, don’t get discouraged but rely on the Lord to help you and try again. “Do the basic things and, before you realize it, your life will be full of spiritual understanding that will confirm to you that your Heavenly Father loves you

Job 31:6 -
"Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity."

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I have the Joy, Joy, Joy Joy
Down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart
I have the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy
Down in my heart
Down in my heart to stay

Remember that one from Sunday School? The melody hung with you all day.

This past summer my classmate's mother passed away and one of the songs chosen to celebrate her life was Joy to the World.

Joy to the world, the Lord has come,
let earth receive her king.
Let every heart, prepare him room
And heav'n and nature sing
And heav'n and nature sing
Let heaven and heaven and nature sing.

There is joy deep in my heart to know the Lord has come to reign here on earth. A joy that is eternal not just fleeting happiness. And let us not put those songs away but sing them every day.
"No human being ever finds rest and joy until he finds it in the heart of God. A person who experiences joy is not one who has an absence of troubles, but one who has learned to live abundantly in spite of circumstances"
Author unknown

Psalm 126: 3 3
The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy

Think of Joy in this way

J esus, then

O thers, then

Y ourself

In a search for happiness the individual focuses upon himself, but joy moves a person out of a self-centered preoccupation and provides an orientation towards others. If we are willing to give up the search for happiness, we may find joy.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Second Chances

Recently my sister had a heart attack at the young age of 55. It might be said that she has several bad habits that contributed to her condition, namely the lethal cigarette and the love of fried food. But in her defense; she gets plenty of exercise gathering wood, hauling water and other physical tasks as she has chosen to reside without the modern comforts of electricity, running water and "turn up the thermostat" heat.
Feeling discomfort, sometimes severe, she continued to stockpile her wood for the winter, taking aspirin to relieve the pain. For ten days she was aware that it was her heart, but with no insurance and no money what options are available to her. Finally the pain will not be subsided, all alone with no means of communication, she started the generator to charge her otherwise useless, dead cell phone and called the ambulance. Later that day an operation was performed to place a stint in her 99% blocked artery, and modern medicine had just put a bandaid on her sick body.
Being so close to death my brother asked if she was afraid, "No, I've had a wonderful life, I have everything I've ever wanted, and I love everything I have." What a statement! My first thought was, you have nothing, but she isn't me and her words humble me.
To press on in this life, my dear sister has many obstacles to overcome and bad habits to break, but the Lord gives us all second chances when we call upon his name. He arranged the circumstances of that morning because he has a purpose for her, and I am excited to think what that might be.

Edward Joseph says:
God won’t extend your life if you don’t have a purpose to fulfill. As you start your day, ask God what words of wisdom he gives you. Then desperately look for a person who you will give encouragement to.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Let's Just Praise the Lord

Let's just Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord
Let's just lift our hearts toward heaven
and Praise the Lord
Let's just praise the Lord
Praise the Lord
Let's just Lift our hearts to heaven
and Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord for music, and the talent God gives to spread the word. Bill and Gloria Gaither wrote this song, and several hundred more. It's hard to feel downhearted or discouraged when you are praising the Lord with a song.

Gloria Gaither "Sometimes we just go on praising the Lord, when there’s nothing else to do.”

Friday, September 25, 2009


Every morning brings a new day of choices to be made. The great thing is we are in charge and can do with this day, as we choose.

This is the day that the Lord has made.
Rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24.

For over a year, my day has started with the Lord and it is a habit I'll not be changing anytime soon. I am almost finished with a second round of reading through the Bible and this time I chose the Chronological order. is my choice for early morning reading. There I also have a number of options to select versions or translations of the Bible which help my understanding toggling back and forth during a session if I want.

BibleGateway has also put me in touch with so many great sites that start their day giving me encouragement through scripture, verse and story of application. Max Lucado, Kenneth R. Klaus at Lutheran Hour, Joyce Meyers, Phil Ware, Encouragement for Today from Proverbs 31 Women, Dorothy Valcarcel writing Transformation Garden, The Upper Room, TGIF with Os Hillman, Living Free Every Day (LFED), Miriam Woolbert, Greg Laurie, This Days, Quiet Walk, Love Worth Finding by Pastor Adrian Rogers and the list goes on and on. I will always give credit for quotes that originate from these sites that you might read on this blog.

"There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up."
John Andrew Holmer.

When I find an especially good verse, quote, topic or song, I can't wait to pass it on to someone in hopes it will set the tone of their day, or lift them up from a valley they find hard to climb out of on their own.

As I read through the scriptures, I am encouraged as I hear in my heart the songs that were inspired by these words. Songs of hope, faith, praise, worship, and comfort in times of trouble, that let us feel the timeless and eternal message of the Holy Bible.

The Lord is my strength and my song. He has given me victory. Psalm 118:14