Sunday, September 27, 2009

Second Chances

Recently my sister had a heart attack at the young age of 55. It might be said that she has several bad habits that contributed to her condition, namely the lethal cigarette and the love of fried food. But in her defense; she gets plenty of exercise gathering wood, hauling water and other physical tasks as she has chosen to reside without the modern comforts of electricity, running water and "turn up the thermostat" heat.
Feeling discomfort, sometimes severe, she continued to stockpile her wood for the winter, taking aspirin to relieve the pain. For ten days she was aware that it was her heart, but with no insurance and no money what options are available to her. Finally the pain will not be subsided, all alone with no means of communication, she started the generator to charge her otherwise useless, dead cell phone and called the ambulance. Later that day an operation was performed to place a stint in her 99% blocked artery, and modern medicine had just put a bandaid on her sick body.
Being so close to death my brother asked if she was afraid, "No, I've had a wonderful life, I have everything I've ever wanted, and I love everything I have." What a statement! My first thought was, you have nothing, but she isn't me and her words humble me.
To press on in this life, my dear sister has many obstacles to overcome and bad habits to break, but the Lord gives us all second chances when we call upon his name. He arranged the circumstances of that morning because he has a purpose for her, and I am excited to think what that might be.

Edward Joseph says:
God won’t extend your life if you don’t have a purpose to fulfill. As you start your day, ask God what words of wisdom he gives you. Then desperately look for a person who you will give encouragement to.

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