Saturday, June 12, 2010

What Lies Beneath the Surface

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds. James 1:2

There has been a job waiting for me for a long time, and I haven't been overly eager to get to it. We went to a rummage sale and bought a beautiful, antique, maple desk. The only problem with the desk is that a previous owner slapped a bunch of bright yellow paint all over it. Bright enamel yellow. Yellow enamel doesn't go well with our house decor. Because that is so, it is now my unpleasant duty to dig through the paint and get down to the good wood that lies underneath.
That seems to be what the Lord does with people. When our lives are colored with the sin that "doesn't go well" with the faith we have been given in the crucified and risen Redeemer, He often begins to restore us.
It can be a tough job -- tough for the person being transformed and tough for the Lord. We know nobody likes to have trials come into his or her life. And, contrary to popular opinion, it is not pleasant for a father -- even a Heavenly Father -- to discipline His children. Nevertheless, that's sometimes what is necessary to get down to the good wood the Lord knows is underneath.

Heavenly Father, if we have trials and crosses, help us to see those things come so you may bring us into harmony with You. Let us pray as our Savior prayed, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." In Jesus' Name. Amen.
adapted from Lutheran Hour Ministries, Pastor Ken Klaus

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