Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters

As I encourage others, I am encouraged
As I thank others for the things they have done for me, I feel thankful
Do you suppose if I love others as the Lord has loved me, I will feel loved?
I think so too.

I once heard Joni Earechson saying how she thanks God everyday for something. At first it wasn't that easy to say, "Thank you for making me a paraplegic" but I had to start small and thank him for the fact that there was a big window in her room so she could look out even when she couldn't lift her head.

Ecclesiastes 11:1 "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.

Marnie Pehrson explains, in other words, put out good, help others, and it will return to you in your hour of need. If you have sown good seeds, then in your moment of crisis, it will return to your rescue in the exact moment that you need it.
God takes what we sow and transforms it into abundance. Just as a tiny pea yields a plant laden with peas, so the Lord takes our efforts and multiplies them in our behalf. We can never be certain when, where or what seeds we sow will yield a harvest. Cheerfully do all within your power to lift, to build, to help and to serve from morning until evening, because you never know when or how your blessings shall return.

Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 (The Message)
1 Be generous: Invest in acts of charity. Charity yields high returns. 2 Don't hoard your goods; spread them around. Be a blessing to others. This could be your last night. 3 When the clouds are full of water, it rains. When the wind blows down a tree, it lies where it falls.4 Don't sit there watching the wind. Do your own work. Don't stare at the clouds. Get on with your life. 5 Just as you'll never understand the mystery of life forming in a pregnant woman, So you'll never understand the mystery at work in all that God does. 6 Go to work in the morning and stick to it until evening without watching the clock. You never know from moment to moment how your work will turn out in the end.

John 1:16 From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.

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