Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Follow My Example

Regardless of whether you consider yourself a leader, your daily actions and words are observed by others who may choose to follow your example, whether you know it or not.

Demonstrating our faith is not merely something we do. Rather, it is a result of who we are.

We are a Beacon for All Believers
what a statement!. I heard it in a song on the album "Be Thou An Example"   It is filled with inspiring music that reminds our great youth of the powerful light their example is to the world around them, and encourages them to use that light to bless others. Being an example is not just reserved for us "old folks".

For example, most Christians would not even think about uttering foul language in a church setting, but how about in a company strategy session. or out gardening and not liking mosquitos sharing your space? Cursing is assuredly one of those "little things" that can inadvertently cast us as a non-Christian to a non-Christian, and you might be surprised how many people are rating you based upon your relationship with Christ.

 “A disciple is not greater than his teacher, but everyone when fully trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40).  In this context, the Lord was showing that one’s true spirituality, or godliness (or lack thereof) is revealed in our actions and that such actions will of necessity influence others either for good or for evil. Students, sons, daughters, friends, co-workers, tend to emulate their leaders, parents, guardians, teachers, or heroes. The tendency is for us to shy away from this responsibility and reality, but in order to be truly mature and a leader, one must accept this as a reality of leadership.

Learn from me,
If not by my precepts,
then by my Example

 The power of our example and the way we live our lives can either negatively or positively influences others. Leaders and Christians as a whole are to be models for others to imitate, in motivation and inspiration for others. What a responsibility! You mean people are supposed to follow me? That’s right. That’s the way it works whether we like it or not. A key question is, “Are we aiming at the right target?”

“Remember your leaders, who spoke God’s message to you; reflect on the outcome of their lives and imitate their faith.” Hebrews 13:7

Philippians 3:17 Be imitators of me, brothers and sisters, and watch carefully those who are living this way, just as you have us as an example

Failure to be a solid example ruins or at least gravely hinders one’s credibility in the words they speak.  Be Thou an Example! 

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